關於黎毓熙 - 戴愛兒的啟蒙國畫老師...

Lai Yuk Hay 黎毓熙 (1909-1982)- Master Lai was born in Xing Ning, in the province of Guangdong in 1909, and spent his early years in Hang Zhou National Art School (now China National Academy of Fine Art), where he tutored under the great masters, Lin Feng Mian 林風眠 and Pan Tian Shou 潘天壽 . Another famous painter, Li Keran studied in the same class. Other legendary painters like Wu Guan Zhong also graduated from the academy in later years.

After graduation, Master Lai devoted himself to a life-long career of art education. He taught at Guangxi Teachers' Training College, Shanghai School of Art and Xin Hua School of Art in China. After arriving in Hong Kong in 1959, he was appointed lecturer of the Department of Art at the New Asian College and later the Chinese University. In the last years of his life, he privately tutored students at his studio in Hong Kong.

Master Lai devoted his entire life to art and was never in pursuit of fame or wealth. Despite his large volume of works, he seldom held exhibitions or offered his paintings for sale. The rare exhibitions he held were at the Chinese University in Hong Kong, Tiki Art Gallery of Victoria, BC, Canada, and University of Berkeley and San Francisco University in America where his works were collected by the San Francisco Museum.

黎毓熙(1909-1982) (畫家、教授) 一九0九年生於興寧縣福興鄉.一九二六年畢業於興民中學。一九二九年在杭州國立藝術學院(中國美術學院前身)習畫時,師承林風眠、潘天壽兩大師,與李可染為同屆同學.

在梅州畫壇,除了林風眠之外,還有一個足以令人贊嘆的地方,這就是素有 版畫之鄉美譽的粵東山城興寧。早在20世紀三十年代,魯迅倡導和扶持了新興版畫運動,其中的第一代藝術家大部分來自興寧,如陳鐵耕、陳卓坤、鐘步卿、羅清楨、黃山定、張慧、鄧啟凡、羅映球等。此後在五六十年代又出現了荒煙、王立、黎毓熙、傅思達、馬玉書等聞名遐邇的版畫家、國畫家。

黎毓熙畢生致力於藝術教育事業,曾任教於廣西師範學院,上海美專(南京藝術學院前身)和新華藝專。 在一九五九年到香港後,他受聘於新亞書院藝術系, 香港中文大學和清華書院藝術系 。 晚年時在港設畫室授徒 。


The Chinese Art Lecturers at Chinese University pictured with students in 1964. Front row Left 1 is Lai Yuk Hay 黎毓熙 , Left 2 is Ting Yin Yung 丁衍庸, Right 1 is Chow Su Sing 周士心, Right 2 is Tseng Ke Tuan曾克耑, Right 3 is Chen Shi Wen 陳士文.
(source: Johnson Su-Sing Chow周士心的博客 )

Art Lecturers with students in 1960.
(source: ScopeArt 艺术客 )

Lai Yuk Hay's art

photo courtesy of the Lai Yuk Hay family

Book of Lai Yuk Hay's paintings, with front cover titled by Lin Feng Mian

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